Abduction runs in the family
Abduction runs in the family

abduction runs in the family

I am fine with her captor being released after serving his time. I wasn't surprised by the villain at all nor their motivation. I sort of suspected whodunit very early because you just pick up vibes in these movies. I also love when these movies (bc it's Lifetime) make the men suspicious or not that great, but also because it's Lifetime, the villain is a woman. Grace nor Grant need a friend like Alyssa. I really didn't care for how both of them allowed her to get away with accusing them of crimes because of reasons she made up in her head.and ironically, it was a pretty clear example of what Emma's dad was saying. Very different from Alyssa, who by the end of this really doesn't deserve those people remaining in her life. This is in spite of the character humiliating her in her personal life.

#Abduction runs in the family movie#

In Deadly Seduction (only mentioning this movie bc it's very similar), the protag didn't actually believe someone close to her was capable of the crimes happening. She allows them to be blindsided by being considered suspects or she's breaking into their homes. What makes her even more self-involved is that she uses her friend Grace and her never-mind-he-isn't-her-boyfriend Grant as babysitters for Emma, and yet when this happens, she either sics the police on them or pursues them herself as suspects. Also, in the movie, all we know about him is her POV, so when he does lash out about how she has affected his relationship with his daughter, it actually makes sense given her behavior by that point in the movie. I totally didn't blame his lashing out at her. She allowed the detectives to make him a person of interest w/o 1.letting him know their daughter was missing or letting him know she kind of let them think that he could take her. She was a pretty self-involved character and I don't blame Emma's father for being pissed at her. However, I didn't really care for Alyssa.

abduction runs in the family

I remember them from soaps back in the day. I watched this because I generally like Jen Morris and Jason-Shane's movies. Then when Emma actually is taken (not a spoiler), Alyssa turns her back. Then she flips out when her, sort of boyfriend Grant, takes Emma for ice cream but leaves his phone in the car. I couldn't believe she did that all because Emma was begging and for some reason Alyssa couldn't get up from the table and take her? Had that been the moment little Emma was taken, it would have been extremely difficult to keep watching. When Alyssa, a woman now a mother, who knows what it was like to be kidnapped, lets her young daughter (maybe 7) go to a public bathroom by herself.

Abduction runs in the family